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To recognize excellence in a conference paper contribution
whose primary author is a student member of the IEEE.
Originality, clarity, and potential impact on practical applications or
theoretical foundations of control.
To be eligible, the
primary and first listed author must be a student at the time of original
submission and have a current IEEE membership for the year 2018, and the paper
must have been accepted for presentation at the CDC 2018.
Nominations must be made by the student's major professor (advisor) through PaperPlaza.
- Fill out the
nomination form
- Submit the form for Best Student Paper Award by following:
Start => Submit a paper or session proposal links.
Then submit the nomination by clicking the "Submit" link next to
Paper Award Nomination.
Important Information:
The nominating form must be filled out in full containing the
following information:
- A paragraph certifying that the nominee is the main author of the paper,
was a student at the time of the nomination and has a current
IEEE membership for the year 2018. The student's IEEE membership number
must be included in the nominating letter.
- A paragraph with a brief description of the contribution of the paper
and the main reason why the paper is being nominated for the award.
- The advisor's telephone number and e-mail address.
- Session code and the original submission number assigned by PaperPlaza.
- Nominations are limited to one per advisor.
Nominations Open: July 20
Nominations Close: August 15
Please follow this link
to apply for Student Travel Award.
We suggest that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer, to prevent copyright upload issues to IEEE.
Key dates (2018)
Submission Site Open: | January 4 |
Initial Paper Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due: | March 6 |
Invited Session Proposals Due: | March 10 |
Initial Paper Submissions Due: | March 20 |
Workshop Proposals Due: | May 1 |
Paper and Workshop Decision Notification: | mid-July |
Best Student Paper Nominations Opens: | July 20 |
Final Submission Open: | August 1 |
Registration Opens: | August 1 |
Best Student Paper Nominations Closes: | August 15 |
Accepted Papers Due: | September 20 |
Early Bird Closes: | October 1 |
Conference opens: | December 17 |
Conference closes: | December 19 |
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